Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan
Start Your Weekend Off Right With A Visit To Ms.SHUREE...SEXY,BUSTY & Very Naughty!!! - 43
(SouthHill Puyallup, Private Incall, Tacoma)
💎 🍭☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💎Upscαℓε💎SWEET & DISCREET 🎀 GEM 🎀206-735-0586 $80HH - 26
(Tacoma, tacoma $80HH)
💙❤ SEXY PETITE ❤ BRUNETTE ❤ PRINCESS ❤ 💙 {Spinner Tight Body } - 27
(Tacoma, Federal Way InCall 💙 100$ SPECIAL)
~¥€§ DUO SPECIALS!!! Way too much fun to resist!!! End your night with US!!! SPEACIALS TACOMA! §§€¥~ - 25
(Tacoma, Tacoma/Puyallup Incall)
FEDERAL WAY 160 Incall $pecial ❤️Unrushed ❤️Ultimate Goddess ‼️34D/26/34 available NOW 2065125727 Marissa - 35
(Tacoma, Tacoma, Federal Way)
FIFE INcALL ❤COME PLAY❤W/ a HOT JU!CY SEXY BLoNde ☞N!CE B00TY ツ24HR◆Super Busty №➊ ☆Playmate - 23
(Fife iNCALL :), Tacoma)
[ _ [CURVACEOUS CUTIE ] _ ]= = = ==[ _ [ AMAZiNG ==== BOOTy ] _ ]===[ military SPECIALS ] - - 22
(Tacoma, TACOMA private $50 before 3pm!!!)
Good girl leave U satisfied, PROMISE will have you on ur knees begging for more! - 28
(Puyallup, Tacoma)
✯FoRgEt✰┆ ★ThE✪┆✫ReSt✬┆✩CALL✯┆ ✰ThE★┆✪BEST❣❣✫┆✬ ⓛⓞⓞ% ✩💄👅💦 DELICIOUSL¥ NAUGHT¥ 👅🍭 •••€ager ₮o ₱lease• - 22
(Bremerton silverdale Bainbridge island, Tacoma)
💎 🍭☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💎Upscαℓε💎SWEET & DISCREET LakeWooD I/C 🎀 GEM 🎀253-750-9167 - 26
-------- █ ★ SEXY-n-WILD Smoking HOT brunett ★ █ ------- Outcalls SP - 19
(Tacoma, outcalls OnLY)
🍌BREMERTON🍌 U Don't Need ☕️Coffee☕️ 2 Get U ⤴️ Come See Me U'll AGREE & Leave Me UR SW€€T CR€AM $80Special - 99
(Tacoma, Bremerton Kitsap County)
°•★•° CoMe HaVe SoMe ReAl FuN! SwEeT & PeTiTe!! (° • ★• °) LAST CHANCE!! °•★•° - 21
(Tacoma, Clean & Safe Tacoma Mall Incall)