Thu 02 Jan
DEALS DEALS DEALS ★★Early A.M. SpecialS★★ DEALS & DEALS ★Private IncaLL Federal WaY★100Hr★70HHr★ - 26
(City of Seattle, Private Federal Way InCall, Seattle)
°o♥o° GEM is BACK in TACOMA °io♥o° C ME while I am HERE $$80 °o♥o° - 23
(Tacoma, Tacoma in/outcalls)
Sun kissed Beauty :::: Exotic Playmate :::: Tacoma Incall SPECIALS! :::: 100 KISS SPECIAL - 21
(Tacoma, T A C O M A)
°°°☆ SeXy eBoNy ViXeN °°★ UpScAlE °°★ $ InCaLl SPeCiaLS °°° 702 -608=3055 - 24
(Tacoma, TACOMA in/out 84th and hosmer)